spivey works ahrd at stuff

Tuesday, March 6

IM confused

Good morning. Spivey here. I checked my electric mail when I got to work and there was a message from Mr. B. Here's what it said, I'm not sure I understand it.

Spivey, I want you to tape "Return to the Batcave" on CBS for me. I want to use it in a sales meeting next week. And check on those pencil shavings stuck in my keyboard. They're making it difficult for me to type a...well, i can't show it to you because i can't type it. The letter between h and k on the keyboard. And without that letter, I can't shoot asteroids. I mean... I can't type "_ust dandy" on my reports to show they're finished.

hall and oates.

If anyone understands, please e-mail me at cycloneindustries@yahoo.com. I really don't feel like going down the flight of stairs to his office. Whenever I go down there I hear him singing Survivor songs to the tune of his modem dialing up. It kind of bugs me. And, the whole stairs thing hurts my efficiency (feet). I'll be responding to guestbook posts later. Good day.


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