spivey works ahrd at stuff

Friday, November 9

Interesting with a capital "eye"

I realize I haven't psoted all week, but as you see Spivey's boss has sent me a little corespondent. Here is that he said:


Since I can't get ahold of Spivey, please pass on this information. I have a new important project for the both of you. The case file is labeled "The Taffy Account." It's much too much work for one man, which is why I'm giving it to both of you. In fact, it's much too much for two men. But I know that you can do the work of at least three or four men, Backers. I've
never seen you leave the building, so the hours you put in must be tremendous. I tip my hat to you. Good luck on the Taffy account, Backers. Give my regards to Spivey and tell him to keep up the good work.



The only problem I have is this: Spivey is in Barbados. That is to say that hes in the west wing of the buildig. By that I mean he wendt on a hiatus which inshort means vacation. So I (and by "eye" I mean Backers) have ben workin on the sillly taffy project porposed by mr "Billings" by meself. but never fear. I got to the hart of the matter and watched tv at my desk for 61 straight hours. If the boss wants a prooject he'll have to come in here and pry the remote out of my cold dead hand (because the remote is stuck to my hand with his precious taffy).

that'll teach him. enjoy you vacation spivey. enjoy the pomgranites i sent you.


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